Class of 2012

Catalina Bingham

Catalina now works in London as a Development Researcher at North One Television. Prior to this she was a Junior Researcher for Wall to Wall, where she undertook her MA placement. Read more about her work in this guest blog.

Scott Billing

‘After completing the placement module of the FTV course at Maverick Television in Birmingham I was asked to do a further four weeks work, which was mainly sourcing images for the Film4 website at the Maverick office in London. At the time I was delighted, as we all know that paid work is extremely difficult to come by. I suppose I made a fairly good impression as a few weeks later, in fact the day after completing the FTV course, I was asked to interview for a Junior Researcher position at Maverick London. I was offered the job and since then I have been working as a part of the award-winning multiplatform department, where we are producing three original content YouTube channels.’

Sam Lewis

‘The course is a great way of gaining experience. I worked on TV shows including Great Ormond Street, Who Do You Think You Are? and Benefits Street. Afterwards I went straight into a job with a small digital video production company, producing video content for online audiences. The variety is what makes it great; one week I could be filming a Nobel-Prize Winning Economist in Chicago for a feature-length online documentary, and the next interviewing heart disease patients for a short film raising awareness about barriers to health services. How people watch TV and film is changing rapidly, so it’s an exciting time to apply what I learnt on the course to these digital projects’.

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